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1 x TD10088 Cloudy White Brazilian Agate
1 x JZ24070 Australian (Mookaite) Jasper
1 x TA25023 Montana Agate
1 x TD14153 Bloodstone
1 x TD10023 Cloudy White Brazilian Agate
1 x JZ30071 Mozarkite Jasper
1 x JZ33038 Wild Horse Jasper
1 x TD4152 Mexican Crazy Lace Agate
1 x JZ6107 Dalmatian Jasper
1 x TD26122 Red Jasper, Lge.
1 x TD46023 Ocean Jasper
1 x JZ42047 Green Moss Agate
Our Specials
Introducing Dirk and Phil
From time to time as you tour through our website, you will get a glimpse of the earliest years of stone pick production.

Interestingly enough… guitars were present.
Many players underestimate just how much their choice of pick affects their tone. Thousands of stone picks in stock...many gemstones to choose.

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